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Love and Friendship at the Deepest Level

Recently I was on an airplane flight to Los Angeles, with all of us wearing masks. Yet the plane was surprisingly noisy, like a bar or a tin-roofed restaurant. I listened to the conversations of the people around me. One man was sharing his exploits as a scuba diver and surfer (the more you surf, the poorer you get, he says.) His seat mate revealed she had 9 children.

Across the aisle and behind me was another woman on her 4th flight today, trying to get somewhere amidst canceled or changed flights. I was amazed at the detail I was hearing! I wondered to myself if I suddenly had Wonder Woman hearing! Meditating on this I asked what was going on? Connection!

Everyone being isolated, subconsciously is seeking connection with strangers in a big way. It seemed like everyone was talking to someone, or multiple people, not just their travel mates, but strangers. I found it quite endearing.

What is it about connection that compels us to reach out to strangers, even while wearing a mask? I think part of it is, the fear has dissipated from so many who were closed down due to all kinds of fear issues being projected on humans. It would seem that people are ready to share their experiences with other human beings.

This feeling of wanting to belong falls right in with Maslow’s 3rd and 4th hierarchy of needs, love and belonging, and esteem.  The telling of our stories to a willing listener takes us into self-actualization. It’s so much easier to self-actualize as you tell your story to another interested human.

Sometimes though, we have residue of unresolved feelings. Disappointments that didn’t deliver our heart’s desire. What if we are still carrying some “rejection” baggage? This may limit your ability to connect at the deepest levels. We create filters of negativity or bitterness that can be dissolved by healing those traumas. This month’s free guided meditation will take you through that long-lost love that didn’t work out, creating a space for that special someone! The one that “got away.” And the feeling of being left behind, even if you were the person who broke away!

While I was in Los Angeles, I ran into a lovely friend and her new sweetheart. She had been in Egypt with me earlier this year. She had become a good friend, and I was eager to hear her news, because the day after returning from Egypt her boyfriend (who had been planning to move in with her) dumped her, over the phone!

She was also expecting a big promotion, that she had interviewed for – with the company she‘d been with for 3 years. Upon her return, she learned she was passed over for the promotion! However, the next day, she received an offer from another company, and it was a much better offer. Her old company made a counter offer, which took a few days, but it wasn’t very special, so she turned it down. A day later a third company’s CEO called her, with a fabulous offer, that she didn’t even interview for! She accepted it. A week later, she met her now boyfriend. They didn’t start dating until a few months later. She was eager to tell me about her secret that she had around our trip to Egypt!

When we went into each temple in Egypt, I instructed everyone to make a clear intention about what they wanted, explaining the purpose of each of the initiations in each temple. In her case she asked for the same thing, at every single temple. What did she ask for? Remember, she wasn’t unhappy at all, with a good job, and promotion in sight, along with a boyfriend who was moving towards commitment! She asked for Love and friendship at the deepest level. And now you can too!

Let’s clear out any old lost loves that may stand in the way of your true happiness, and claim “love and friendship at the deepest level. Now and forever.” If you think you might benefit from clearing out an old lost love, this guided meditation, Letting Go of a Beloved, will make a difference. If you are NOT sure if it’s over, do this meditation. It will either strengthen what you have or dissolve it. The waiting is over.

This Month’s Featured Download is:
This Month’s Featured Download is:
Excerpted from the Bring in Your Beloved package, this meditation and introduction will help
you in a time of transition and change of a relationship.
Sometimes letting go of one thing is needed in order to bring in the next thing.
It’s easy to KNOW you want a happy relationship. But the HOW? Well, that’s what we are here for! In fact, you have come to know us for our ability to help you achieve your heart’s desire! Together, we can achieve it.
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