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One Akashic Reading Online Can Help You Break Old Habits

Are you consistently attracted to negative people? Do you anger easily and want to learn a better way to control your temper? Do you shy away from new jobs because you feel you ‘can’t’ do it? Or are you someone who gives up easily and blames yourself for failing on your first attempt? Self-sabotage can be changed, and all of these old ways of doing things can be done differently by exploring your emotions in a brand new way. With an Akashic reading online with master teacher Maureen St. Germain and her Certified Guides, you can take the first step to change.

Once you have learned how your past has affected your present and your possible futures, you will discover that your emotions are the key to so many new directions in your life. Let’s get basic: emotions are energy with a purpose. You may have been studying how to break out of your old ways of dealing with people, or losing weight or succeeding in business, but actually your use of emotions can be a far better tool than your mind.  Think of your emotional self as a far better ‘reader’ of people and circumstances. Trust your emotions. They are the gut reactors.

How do you get in touch with this deeper self? With an Akashic Record reading, you will discover how this three-dimensional world—where old habits and negativity can bring you down—can exist harmoniously with your new understanding and experience of the fourth- and fifth-dimensional world. Here, you don’t have to re-work or overwork your emotions. You can use them to express your feelings and move on to a higher version of yourself.

Is the Akashic reading overly complex or too simple? Neither. Each session is customized for your needs. The Akashic field is a living field of liquid energy that holds your soul’s journey…a recording…a library of information. Imagine something so deep that can be accessed so easily once you are open to its light. Our Certified Guides are among the most respected in the world. The entire staff has been trained by Maureen St. Germain herself—a best-selling author and internationally acclaimed teacher in the field of spiritual awareness for more than 25 years. Clients are amazed by what our Guides can access during this peaceful, beautiful session. They are even more thrilled with how the information is so applicable in changing real-life challenges into new possibilities.

Energy with a purpose can harness the power of your emotions. Contact Maureen St. Germain today for a virtual session and find out what’s been holding you back so you can finally move ahead.

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