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As I was waking up, I heard “We are the Serendipities” Not “A” serendipity.     After taking a huge breath, I said to those that were speaking to me HuH??

Terri Young Akashic Guide
Terri Young

Let me begin with; I love talking about a serendipitous happening, and I love seeing all the steps that it – that wonderful experience- took to get me there. So having a conversation with the Serendipities was a whole new place to be.

I also want to add, that I love the Angels. We have conversations often, especially if I have a problem. We communicate quite often in the dream-time right before sleep and in the wake-time as I am waking. I ask Archangel Michael and his 100% God-light Retune to be with me when I am making decisions and when I am having a hard time just living in this dense world.

So having the Serendipities announce themselves as these ‘BEINGS”   their explanation of themselves was very surprising.   Once I was awake enough to respond, I asked why me?   But the answer I got was to actually see them.   They bounced…A little like small bubbles of champagne.   I felt their presence was so happy and light that all I could do was smile. They promptly responded with more of their bubbly-ness and were extremely happy to let me know also that they loved it when I noticed that they had worked their magic to move things in the right order for – get ready for it – MIRACLES..

Serendipities are the movers and shakers of Miracles.   Haven’t we all experienced having something work out and we were honestly not sure exactly how but IT ALL WORKED OUT. Well they want us to know of their existence and want us to know that they are so happy to work for us. All we have to do is ask.

So, here is how it works. Have you ever said to yourself, “I have to remember — fill in the blank.” And then you find yourself finding something that leads you to opening a cupboard, or opening a door and then You Remembered what it was you needed. These small steps lead you to get what you wanted. Thank the Serendipities

So much fun to be had with them. Life can get easier and easier if you will just let them in.

Say “ Serendipities help me to get all that needs to be done in an easier and simpler way today.” Then disconnect from what you expect. Let them do their Magic…

I guarantee that life will get so sweet…

Next Day… I asked if there was anything else I could add to my blog. Their response was…

We are also beings of light that can push time into a slower or faster speed. We are also able to help with thoughts that do not serve you.   If you are open to hearing as Terri is, then you can change your mind about something that is not working for you.   Change your mind, change your experience.

We are also able to hear your worries and we are able to help with these in small little ways that make your path smoother.

THE Serendipities are with you. “Give us a chance to help”, and we can make MIRACLES.

The following morning, as the post was being prepared, the Serendipities asked that we add this:

Terri is extremely happy to be here having this experience of being an Akashic Record Guide with you. The Angels and the Serendipities are a guiding force for Terri. She has been seeing and feeling the Angles for a long time (over 25 years), and if you can read her blog – now the Serendipities have come on board to add to her already delicious expansive world. Terri invites you to feel the loving and warm presence of the Akashic Records and you too will notice how your life will change.

With delight TERRI

BIO: Terri Young has been a lifelong seeker. Never satisfied to be “like” everyone else,Terri Young there were always more books to read and more to learn.

In the early eighties, Terri and a business partner opened an Angel Figurine store in a tiny village and called it “On the Wings of Angels”. Even though they were miles from anywhere, they were successful.

The Angels have guided her to see “Angel Auras” around people. Would you like to know what your Angel-Wings look like?

Terri’s life has been an interesting journey. In 2011, she re-connected with Maureen St. Germain and that meeting catapulted her into the Akashic Records Reading classes. She is excited about how awesome it feels to capstone a life-long journey with this excellent experience.

Terri has now found a spaciousness and peacefulness in the Records that she has never found before. She would be pleased to help you find your own loving guidance from the Record Keepers.

Terri became a ARI Certified Guide in 2012 and will give readings by Skype or phone. She provides readings from the Milwaukee/Madison, WI area.

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