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Spiritual Telepathy author Colleen Mauro on The Practical Mystic

Spiritual Telepathy BookMonday, Sept 14, 2015 , from 2 – 3 pm Pacific Time

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Join me as I interview Colleen Mauro on her book, Spiritual Telepathy, Ancient Techniques to Access the Wisdom of Your Soul. I read it on my way home from Asia last weekend. I found it engaging, insightful and an easy read – but not so easy as to put me to sleep! Actually I couldn’t put it down!

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It is loaded with insights of the well known theosophists throughout history. Information from Blavatsky to modern day mystics.  Although Colleen’s claim to fame is that she followed her own intuition and reached out to another organization to co-found Intuition Magazine, she truly practices what she has researched.

Clearly, the years she spent running Intuition Magazine created for the Higher Potential of the Mind to introduce readers to the emerging field of intuition development set the stage for this work.

In her new book, she provides readers with the next step—a more advanced form of intuitive perception called spiritual telepathy. Her book offers ancient mind-training techniques that will allow readers to access the wisdom and guidance of their own souls—and beyond it to the riches of the universal mind. In the past, it’s been only the “special” people—our saints, shamans and spiritual leaders—who have had access to the higher worlds. The tide of evolution has brought us to the point where many of us can now take this important step. When we do, we become the pioneers in the next stage of human development.

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