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Take a Vacation – Get Out of Your Rut

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Guest speaker: Madeline Gerwick

Wowee! I just came off the air, from the Practical Mystic radio show where I interviewed my guest Madeline Gerwick, Business Astrologer. She talked about the Venus retrograde and everything related to it. We had some great callers, She also answered some incredible questions that are related to this particular cycle in time, and finally she gave us a copy of her book not just one actually but for anyone who listens to the show, you can get a free good timing guide. Retail in January is around $25. What’s the catch for the free gift? (There is one, of course!) You must pay postage to get the Free gift book! Hurry fast she has a limited supply. This is the very same book, that I buy five of them every fall at full price for the following year. Why do I buy so many copies? I want my staff to have a copy they can refer to, on their desks!!! I also buy her online version. But wait, there’s more! I also have a gift, the Fountain of Youth meditation download. This is a full length meditation CD – that you will want to have now, especially with the Fall Harvest Moon Youthing day coming up. How do you use the CD? You listen and follow along. It will clear dark energies, and irritations – that age you!!! This was a great show! Listen and learn, get your free gifts, and then subscribe to the channel! Love, Maureen

We talked about the Venus retrograde and how you can use those energies to help you revalue time-off, yourself, and more, to assist with that vacation.

Listen to LIVE and ARCHIVED programs here!

Listen to Maureen’s Radio Show The Practical Mystic LIVE, the second Monday of every month from 2 – 3 pm Pacific. If you can’t listen live, use the link above to access the replay, as well as all of the archived shows.

Listen in for information to get a free meditation download and special companion offer!

Take the leap to find your passion. Come be inspired. Find out ways to improve your life and yourself. Learn how you can apply spiritual knowledge to feel better about yourself and your life. Take the leap to find your passion. Learn Tools and techniques that will help you get out of your own way – and incorporate new knowledge and ancient wisdom.

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Maureen is known for her transformational tools, guided meditation, CDs, books, essential oil blends & more, provides time-saving, personalized solutions for de-stressing in difficult times.

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