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The Vesica Proof & Mary Magdalene’s Feast Day

I have studied geometry since my teens, and sacred geometry for almost as long. Some of what you see on the web, by other authors is not accurate, and some inspiring and enlightening.

I wish to address a number of subjects. Being a purist, my aim is not to criticize, I want to improve the narrative so we may have a better understanding.

Mary Magdalene’s feast day is July 22. I had my first aha about this many years ago, while working in Europe, and was told by my student there, they learned the fraction that represents phi was 22/7. This fraction represents an irrational number Pi. (3.14…). I have often compared the ideas of rational numbers and fractions with maleness and irrational with femaleness. And yes, Pi IS a relationship that is never resolved.

You can do the math yourself, and see, 3 x 7 = 21. So if you divided 22 by 3 you would have “1” left over. If you carry the division out further… 3.14285714. Use your phone calculator to check!

Mathematicians call the expression Pi, irrational, because the true expression of this relationship means that it never resolves. This Greek name, describes the relationship between a circle and its radius or area. We use pi to determine these measurements by using the radius (the length of string, drawn around a center stake) in relationship to pi. Both the radius and pi are used to produce this data. No matter what size the circle is, if you know the radius, you can know the circle’s circumference or area.

But why is this important to Mary Magdalene’s feast day?
It’s important because someone among the Church fathers KNEW the meaning of 22/7, the typical way Europeans write dates!

How is this related to the circle?
The Circle as seen above is created by having a known radius (purple line) When two circles of the same radius share a center as in the shaded center in the diagram above, we end up with a Vesica Piscis (turquoise in the middle). The Vesica (shorthand for Vesica Piscis) is considered the seed shape or womb, or mandora in art. It is found in many places, like this one: Note the dotted line in the center is related to the √3.
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The Vesica came to represent the sacred feminine.

How did it get related to Mary Magdalene?

Mary Magdalene’s name in the ancient code of Gematria produces the number 153. Gematria, unlike numerology, was based upon mathematical principles that were known. “The 153” was the common shorthand for 256/153. Mathematicians use the common √3 to represent this fraction that is multiplied by the radius to produce the height of the Vesica. The system of Gematria allowed for a colel, (+1 or -1) to be added or subtracted to a name to create deeper meaning to insure it is understood for posterity. The name of Mary ads up to 152. Yet when you add the allowed colel to be added; all “Marys” become the Divine feminine! I believe that’s the reason nuns took this as a first name, to imply they were “married to Christ.” Only one name in the new testament ads up to 153, Mary Magdalene. Although some scholars will tell you that she was from Magdala, there is no proof that she was from there, nor is there any proof that she was not born there. I maintain, that she was given the name Mary Magdalene as an honorific, a title! Where does that lead us? If you look at the Gematria of her name, representing the Vesica, and then you add to it the “secret” of her feast day, the code related to the height of the Vesica, it leads me to the conclusion that she indeed is at the center of the Vesica, and thus the true mother of the world. As we look into the deeper meanings of the sacred geometry, we can know that even the church fathers, knew, and somehow left these secrets to be discovered by a later generation. That generation is now! Celebrate Mary Magdalene’s Feast day this month, July 22. May the blessings of Mary Magdalene bless us all.

AroMandalas – Orion Series Blends™

Our AroMandalas-Orion Series™ blends were formulated by Mary Magdalene, and delivered to our staff member, an aromatherapist, in the dream time! They carry incredible healing properties, that could only have come from the “divine.” Check them out! This month we are featuring the Magdalene trilogy group, now renamed to Wizdom, Compaszion and Balanzed. The Balanzed Blend (formerly Bethany) was used in the private initiation ceremony in the Cave of Bethany outside a small village in French Pyrenees that Maureen has written about in Waking Up in 5D. With this anointing in a very sacred space, the initiates found themselves connecting more fully to the universal Oneness of all creation. This included seven sacraments: obedience, sacrifice, fidelity, consecration, sanctification, purification and oneness.The ritual for an initiation was created around a traditional prayer reflecting on the Christ.
This Month’s Featured Download is:
Divine Feminine Prayer
Divine Feminine Prayer
Since this prayer is brief, we have printed it below, along with the visual of the winged disc, alternately called the winged sun.
You may freely distribute this – along with the attribution.
Thank you.
I ask that the Divine Feminine speak through me this day. I ask permission for the Divine Feminine to reside here, in the physical, in my body. Let all aspects of the Divine Feminine be anchored here in my body so that I am expressing the fullness of the Divine Feminine through me this day.
Do this prayer daily. Do it three times in a row, spoken out loud. Conclude with:
I ask this for myself and for all of humanity.
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