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Waking Up in 5D LIVE! With Maureen on the Dr. Pat Show!

Want to know more about Waking Up in 5D?

Here’s your chance to hear more from Maureen on this important subject! Learn more about the “Ascension” LIVE, here, with Dr. Pat! Call in 800-930-2819.
Starts at 2 PM EST, 11 AM PST. Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Read on – to know what you’ll learn…
  • Since 2012 everyone is saying – Humanity is moving into Ascension – 5D what everyone else calls heaven.
  • What can you tell us about Fifth Dimension, and it’s relationship to Third Dimension and Fourth Dimension!
  • How can you experience multiple dimensions simultaneously, 3rd, 4th and 5th
  • You no longer have to die or be a saint or yogi to Ascend into your 5th Dimensional expression.
  • You’ve already been there – even if you didn’t notice! Think about  your memorable and uplifting experiences of the recent past, where everything went well, interactions were harmonious and loving, and all felt blissful and happy  – that’s 5D.
  • Learn the language of 5D
  • Discover how to be in the New Normal – Fifth Dimension.
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